Nurse Educator Doctoral Grant (NEDG) for Practice and Dissertation Research

The Nurse Support Program II provides funding for Nurse Educator Doctoral Grant for Practice and Dissertation Research (NEDG) to full-time nurse faculty at Maryland’s nursing programs who are currently enrolled in or who have recently completed a doctoral degree. Maryland institutions with nursing degree programs may nominate an unlimited number of existing faculty pursuing doctoral degrees within the final two years of a program of study.

MHEC FY 2023 NEDG Press Release
MHEC FY 2022 NEDG Press Release
MHEC FY 2021 NEDG Press Release

Awards: Awards will range from $5,000 to $60,000, contingent upon enrollment status, doctoral degree completion, tuition needs, outstanding student loan debt, other funding sources and statewide nursing program faculty shortages. Funds for multi-year awards will be disbursed annually contingent upon satisfactory progress toward dissertation or capstone project, and degree completion. If awarded, recipients are required to complete an annual NSP II Faculty Award Survey each Fall for five years to support program evaluation.

Eligibility: Nursing faculty currently enrolled in Ph.D, Ed.D. or DNP programs who are engaged in the dissertation or capstone project in the current academic year and will graduate within the next two years. Current full-time faculty who are enrolled in part-time or full-time doctoral study are eligible, including recent doctoral graduates as of May 1st of the previous year and later who are currently serving as a faculty member. Individuals with current teaching contracts at a school of nursing in Maryland, including those who live outside Maryland, and/or are completing an out-of-state doctoral program, are eligible for this award.

Ineligible: Those who have received one of the other NSP II Faculty awards in previous years as a full-time faculty are not eligible because they must complete the first service obligation before being awarded a second award. Each award has a service obligation period attached. There cannot be duplication or cross over of the service time.

Nomination Process: Nominations are to be made by the Dean or Director of Nursing, who will identify qualified candidates. This includes, but is not limited to:

• The completed nomination form NEDG nomination form and budget template that includes a description of existing support and budgetary needs. Documentation of student loans must be included, as it is a priority eligible expense.
• Letter of support by the Dean or Director, and the Faculty advisor if different.
• A three- to five-page paper outlining the nominee’s scholarly work and intent to teach
• A proposed timeline for doctoral degree completion with plan of study
• A certified transcript provided by the nominee
• Nominee’s current curriculum vitae with active nursing license.

The number of nominations is unlimited, but nominations should be submitted in priority order. Nominations for Nurse Educator Doctoral Grant for Practice and Dissertation Research (NEDG) will be accepted if postmarked by September 30th.

Allowable uses of funds:

• To assist with graduate education expenses, such as tuition and/or loan repayment (this is the priority eligible expense)

• To pay for any activities for professional development and continuing education to maintain credentials

• To pay for conference fees, travel, hotels, food, and expenses for speaking engagements

• To pay expenses related to dissertation research or capstones, including research assistants, statistical services, travel, and other fees to expedite completion of degrees

• To pay for licensure and certifications fees in their educator and clinical specialty

• To pay for computer/laptop, research instruments, statistical and other software

• To pay for subscriptions to professional journals and books

• To pay professional dues

• To conduct research and publish work in peer-reviewed journals

• Any expense that meets the reasonable person criteria for any expense to further a nurse faculty’s career

Funds for new NEDG awards are available to awardees at the discretion of the nominating higher education institution and as long as the faculty member remains full-time. When award funding is used to assist with graduate educational expenses, such as tuition and/or loan repayment, the ideal process if for the higher education institution to make payments directly on the student's behalf. This is the preferred method because it reduces the tax burden on NEDG recipients. All items purchased by the faculty using these funds remain the property of the faculty as opposed to belonging to the school that assisted them with the acquisition process in accessing or ordering items with their personal faculty award funds.

The nominee must be willing and committed to serve as a full-time faculty member in a Maryland nursing program one year for each year of award.

NEDG Nominee Information Form
NEDG Budget Template (required)

Nominations must be postmarked by September 30th to:

Maryland Higher Education Commission
Office of Outreach and Grants Management
Attention: NSP II Nurse Educator Doctoral Grants
6 N. Liberty Street, 10th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201

Click on links for information on the Maryland Student Loan Repayment Tax Credit and the Janet L. Hoffman Loan Assistance Repayment Program (LARP).